Friday, June 4, 2010

Achilles heel

It is the “Achilles heel” an obstacle to pursuit our dreams? No, it is not. Most of us have all our limbs (legs, arms) and a normal (traditional) common sense. But sometimes, we are not able to identify our gifts and prefer focusing on our limitations. For example, sometimes we think are inept to learn English, but, have we tried to practice? Have we done our homework?

Why are people with real limitations successful? Maybe the answer is simple: they are not lazy. Stephen Hawkins is a quadriplegic, doctor in philosophy and the most important scientist around the world. He has three children and is compared to Einstein. Like him, there are many people considered disabled doing extraordinary things just to overcome prejudice themselves. It would be nice if after this we rethink about our talents and whether we are doing our best to succeed.

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."
Christopher Reeve

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