Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Animal intelligence

Most people think animals are fools, but they don´t. In fact I dared to state that they´re more intelligent that human beings. They never kill others of their own specie. They never destroyed their own environment and they take care of the litter. Dolphins as human beings make love just for fun, dogs recognize when their owner point out a specific location. Elephants cry when one of their members passes away. So, we shouldn´t be arrogant and think we are the only ones who deserve this planet. We must share the Earth with them.

"Modern man is the missing link between apes and human beings."
Author Unknown

Friday, June 11, 2010

Early to bed...

This forum will discuss about how we could sleep well. Many times, we used to have a lack of sleep and that is not because of our wife’s Restless Legs Syndrome, our insomnia or snoring, but the most common obstacle in this age: Time. We used to work, study and take care of children and this causes a big consumption of time which produces that we do not have time enough to sleep from six to eight hours as the specialist’s advice. One recommendation to deal with this absence of time is not to spend it trying to do everything at the same moment and stay focused in what we are doing in that moment. For example, have you noticed how much time we use to get distracted waking up, answering the phone, sending a message, looking for a meal and things like that meanwhile we are busy doing a homework? How many times if we are cooking, we turn on the TV and before starting to cook, we get absent-minded thinking what the guy on TV is saying and in this way spending precious time that we can use at night to sleep? Pay attention in what are we wasting our time and overcome these distractions that become obstacles in order we could have more time to rest!

"People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one."
Leo J. Burke

Friday, June 4, 2010

Achilles heel

It is the “Achilles heel” an obstacle to pursuit our dreams? No, it is not. Most of us have all our limbs (legs, arms) and a normal (traditional) common sense. But sometimes, we are not able to identify our gifts and prefer focusing on our limitations. For example, sometimes we think are inept to learn English, but, have we tried to practice? Have we done our homework?

Why are people with real limitations successful? Maybe the answer is simple: they are not lazy. Stephen Hawkins is a quadriplegic, doctor in philosophy and the most important scientist around the world. He has three children and is compared to Einstein. Like him, there are many people considered disabled doing extraordinary things just to overcome prejudice themselves. It would be nice if after this we rethink about our talents and whether we are doing our best to succeed.

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."
Christopher Reeve