Monday, July 26, 2010


We as human beings used to eat everything. Sharks, octopuses, crabs, cows, goats, sheep, pigs, dogs and the most varied kind of vegetables, mushrooms and insects are part of the menu. Even humans had been eaten as the people in Los Andes did because of an air accident in 1972.

As well, we don’t care to pay big amounts of money for a meal. It’s only a matter of status. For example, in China some people are able to pay more than $100 for a shark fin soup to show others their position in society, not for hunger! However, UN had reported that one billion people are hungry in the world and warned about the increment in food rate in the last two years has been around 28%. Then, we can ask ourselves: when we go out for dinner are we going to eat for hunger or just for looking as important people who can afford to pay sometimes for food that in some cases we don’t eat?

"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper."
Adelle Davis