Thursday, August 5, 2010


Unfortunately, for countries like the United States, Canada, all European nations, Australia and others, there are immigrants. Sometimes, they make up a very important work force which makes a country’s economy to increase, but also there are a lot of them who bring to these countries criminality, illness and their underdeveloped way to live. For example, in the United States, a “first world country”, the problems with Latin American immigrants, principally Mexicans and Guatemalans are about drug dealing and “Maras”. However, they (Americans) have the sources to face up the problem as well as the countries with a big economy. But what happens in a country like Costa Rica and the enormous amount of Nicaraguans, Colombians and the new fashioned guys: the Mexicans? All the bad influence that they have brought? Ten years ago, we didn’t have hired assassins as in Colombia or Mexico. The 90% of the women killed in Costa Rica by their partners are Nicaraguan. So, what are we going to do to put an end to this situation?

"(...) you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Bob Marley and his Music

Monday, July 26, 2010


We as human beings used to eat everything. Sharks, octopuses, crabs, cows, goats, sheep, pigs, dogs and the most varied kind of vegetables, mushrooms and insects are part of the menu. Even humans had been eaten as the people in Los Andes did because of an air accident in 1972.

As well, we don’t care to pay big amounts of money for a meal. It’s only a matter of status. For example, in China some people are able to pay more than $100 for a shark fin soup to show others their position in society, not for hunger! However, UN had reported that one billion people are hungry in the world and warned about the increment in food rate in the last two years has been around 28%. Then, we can ask ourselves: when we go out for dinner are we going to eat for hunger or just for looking as important people who can afford to pay sometimes for food that in some cases we don’t eat?

"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper."
Adelle Davis

Sunday, July 18, 2010


It´s not a secret that in Costa Rican education is bad, principally, primary and high school. Generally, children and teenagers don´t have sources to improve. Desks, buildings and their own poverty make studying hard. Always, they have to pay a rate at the beginning of the course although the government says that education in Costa Rica is free. In addition, it´s very common that parents keep giving money throughout the year to satisfy other needs like materials for plastic arts and that kind of stuff which is in some cases unnecessary. On the other hand, higher education is good and cheap, but ironically it´s not allowed for poor people but for those who had received a good education, which is commonly given in private schools.

"I have never let my schooling interfere with my education."

Mark Twain

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Most people talk about giving to others. Such thing is good, but sometimes those people are healthy and destitute who aren’t able to improve their lives themselves because of our charity. What I’m saying is not a matter to take them aside, but aim our donations to people whom really don’t have anything. Elderly or children, even those who take care of animals for example, they also need money. Say no more to a Teletón, which money is misused by corrupt people. Two years ago, they used some of the Teletón money to build a parking lot under roof, for the CCSS´s "doctors"!

“When we grow old, there can only be one regret - not to have given enough of ourselves.”

Eleonora Duse

Friday, July 2, 2010


To be elderly is not about to reach a hundred years old, but the way in which we have lived all those years. It is about feeling proud of ourselves when we were looking back and see what we had done with our children and what they have done with theirs.
To be elderly is not only a matter of being interviewed for the local news reporter because of our age, but because of what we can teach others so that they can be as good as us, feeling proud when they become elderly people, too.

“Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing.”

Wendell Holmes

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Animal intelligence

Most people think animals are fools, but they don´t. In fact I dared to state that they´re more intelligent that human beings. They never kill others of their own specie. They never destroyed their own environment and they take care of the litter. Dolphins as human beings make love just for fun, dogs recognize when their owner point out a specific location. Elephants cry when one of their members passes away. So, we shouldn´t be arrogant and think we are the only ones who deserve this planet. We must share the Earth with them.

"Modern man is the missing link between apes and human beings."
Author Unknown

Friday, June 11, 2010

Early to bed...

This forum will discuss about how we could sleep well. Many times, we used to have a lack of sleep and that is not because of our wife’s Restless Legs Syndrome, our insomnia or snoring, but the most common obstacle in this age: Time. We used to work, study and take care of children and this causes a big consumption of time which produces that we do not have time enough to sleep from six to eight hours as the specialist’s advice. One recommendation to deal with this absence of time is not to spend it trying to do everything at the same moment and stay focused in what we are doing in that moment. For example, have you noticed how much time we use to get distracted waking up, answering the phone, sending a message, looking for a meal and things like that meanwhile we are busy doing a homework? How many times if we are cooking, we turn on the TV and before starting to cook, we get absent-minded thinking what the guy on TV is saying and in this way spending precious time that we can use at night to sleep? Pay attention in what are we wasting our time and overcome these distractions that become obstacles in order we could have more time to rest!

"People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one."
Leo J. Burke

Friday, June 4, 2010

Achilles heel

It is the “Achilles heel” an obstacle to pursuit our dreams? No, it is not. Most of us have all our limbs (legs, arms) and a normal (traditional) common sense. But sometimes, we are not able to identify our gifts and prefer focusing on our limitations. For example, sometimes we think are inept to learn English, but, have we tried to practice? Have we done our homework?

Why are people with real limitations successful? Maybe the answer is simple: they are not lazy. Stephen Hawkins is a quadriplegic, doctor in philosophy and the most important scientist around the world. He has three children and is compared to Einstein. Like him, there are many people considered disabled doing extraordinary things just to overcome prejudice themselves. It would be nice if after this we rethink about our talents and whether we are doing our best to succeed.

"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles."
Christopher Reeve

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The media

The media affects people’s lives in many ways. For example, all the information we receive trough internet is so fast and generally bad news that this produces stress and a feeling of collective fear. Our children are principally conquered by video games and they spend more time using these devices than playing outside with friends, which reduces their social life. Besides, these video games are violent in most of the cases.

The adults are losing the meaning of a good reading having a real book in their hands. Now, they use E books readers which results to be more practical. Unfortunately, we have to get accustomed to this fact. Technology is growing and there is no way to stop it.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." Albert Einstein

Friday, May 21, 2010

About me

My name is Fabián Suarez Chavarria, and this is what I have to say about me. I´ve been living in Guadalupe since I was born. I consider myself as a person who likes nature, good music, for example Bob Marley, and sometimes classic. Why Bob? Because of the lyrics of his songs. Currently, I´m studying Law, but I would like to study astronomy. I chose this university so I could learn English properly.

I used to go to the beach with friends, when I had them, but now I´m by myself. This is because all of them got married and housewives don´t like single friends around their husbands. In sum, I can say I´m a normal person who likes easy things.