Thursday, August 5, 2010


Unfortunately, for countries like the United States, Canada, all European nations, Australia and others, there are immigrants. Sometimes, they make up a very important work force which makes a country’s economy to increase, but also there are a lot of them who bring to these countries criminality, illness and their underdeveloped way to live. For example, in the United States, a “first world country”, the problems with Latin American immigrants, principally Mexicans and Guatemalans are about drug dealing and “Maras”. However, they (Americans) have the sources to face up the problem as well as the countries with a big economy. But what happens in a country like Costa Rica and the enormous amount of Nicaraguans, Colombians and the new fashioned guys: the Mexicans? All the bad influence that they have brought? Ten years ago, we didn’t have hired assassins as in Colombia or Mexico. The 90% of the women killed in Costa Rica by their partners are Nicaraguan. So, what are we going to do to put an end to this situation?

"(...) you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Bob Marley and his Music