Thursday, May 27, 2010

The media

The media affects people’s lives in many ways. For example, all the information we receive trough internet is so fast and generally bad news that this produces stress and a feeling of collective fear. Our children are principally conquered by video games and they spend more time using these devices than playing outside with friends, which reduces their social life. Besides, these video games are violent in most of the cases.

The adults are losing the meaning of a good reading having a real book in their hands. Now, they use E books readers which results to be more practical. Unfortunately, we have to get accustomed to this fact. Technology is growing and there is no way to stop it.

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity." Albert Einstein

Friday, May 21, 2010

About me

My name is Fabián Suarez Chavarria, and this is what I have to say about me. I´ve been living in Guadalupe since I was born. I consider myself as a person who likes nature, good music, for example Bob Marley, and sometimes classic. Why Bob? Because of the lyrics of his songs. Currently, I´m studying Law, but I would like to study astronomy. I chose this university so I could learn English properly.

I used to go to the beach with friends, when I had them, but now I´m by myself. This is because all of them got married and housewives don´t like single friends around their husbands. In sum, I can say I´m a normal person who likes easy things.